Welcome to The Baby Registry

LoveLine Ministries works with many mothers who have experienced the unthinkable throughout their lives and their pregnancy. Through the trauma these women have experienced, we want to be the beacon of light for these women. If you are able to contribute and donate to a registry, anything you have to give to help these women will be such a blessing to them, their child, and their future. 

Common Registry Items Needed

Baby Blanket unisex $15

Toddler Mattress $85

Delta 4-1 crib $220

Baby Bouncer $60

Ingenuity swinger/rocker $115

Baby swaddle Blanket $28

Who We’re Helping

Nyangel‘s Registry

Nyangel is just 18 years old and pregnant. Despite her family’s disapproval, she has chosen LIFE for her child.  Nyangel has recently lost her job. Loveline has helped her with her cell phone bill, car payment, resume writing and job searching. We have also connected her to a chapter of Embrace Grace and a Pregnancy Resource center. We even found a wonderful organization willing to throw her a baby shower! Please consider donating to her registry so she has gifts to open at her shower and all the supplies she needs for this beautiful child.

Kalei’s Registry

LoveLine began helping Kalei when she was just a couple months pregnant. Kalei had just left an abortion facility after her friend called and said her church was praying for her.  
They suggested she should call LoveLine. When she called us, she still had the money for her abortion in her account. She gave the money back to her ex-boyfriend and he left. Now she was stuck in a long and expensive lease along with many other bills. 
LoveLine helped her with financial assistance as she worked to find a new job and better living situation. She has landed a new job and is incredibly motivated to be successful for her son. She plans to move to a new state with family, was able to get out of her lease, and plans to work from home and care for her son. She has pulled herself out of a horribly unfortunate situation and grown into a wonderful mom who is determined to give her son the best love possible. This would not have been possible without the blessing that LoveLine provided her. We have also helped her with budgeting and planning for her baby financially. Let’s help her celebrate this new life by purchasing the baby items she needs!


Megan’s Registry

Megan and her young baby were in a scary domestic violence situation. It was a team effort to find her safe housing. Our staff and volunteers spent hours researching and vetting places and we kept getting shut down. We finally found a safe place to send her. Once she was accepted, she grabbed what she could and when a brief moment presented itself, she grabbed her baby and go bag and ran. She had help from a friend and made it to safe shelter. She had to leave most of the baby’s possessions behind. The baby is on a special formula and she was only able to grab 2 cans when they left. Please help us purchase items for her baby to get through this tough situation.