
“Have you had enough?” It was just four words, but it was a turning point question in Kelly Lester’s life.

For 15 years, Kelly had been running from the Lord, desperate to fill the hurting places in her heart with men, drugs, and every other kind of coping mechanism. But after nearly losing her life in a violent domestic fight, Kelly came to a place of surrender to the question God was asking of her.

But God, do you know the things I’ve done?

“Yes, Kelly, but if you follow me, I will make beauty from ashes.”

Kelly’s story is one that covers so many difficult and painful topics in our world today. Child molestation, raped as a teen, several abortions, drug dealing, eating disorders, homosexuality, pornography, prostitution, and even working in the clinic where she had her first abortion. But beauty triumphs from the ashes, and Kelly is a testament to how God can clean all the dirty parts of a painful life story and make it brand new.

Now a wife and mother of six children, Kelly loves to share her story to give hope to the most desperate situations proving that God can save anybody. She is currently the Outreach Coordinator for And Then There Were None and Pro-Love Ministries, and a board member for Village Ansanm: Living Stones Ministries.


Monica is a former Title X (family planning) Training Manager and volunteer educator for Planned Parenthood. Her career in HIV prevention education, comprehensive sex education (CSE) and Title X training management lasted over a decade. During this time, she thrived as an accomplished consultant, trainer and public speaker. However, she came to learn from her “mentors” that serving the marginalized meant only “meeting them where they’re at,” and then just leaving them there. It was a combination of this philosophy, her experience in the community, her conversion to Christianity and her personal story which prompted her to deeply question comprehensive sex education and crisis pregnancy counseling.  As you might imagine, her questions were not welcomed by her superiors, and she was told that if she wasn’t pro-abortion, then she didn’t belong there.

Today, Monica boldly exposes the truth behind comprehensive sex education and the harm it causes to our children, families and community.  Monica’s goal is to encourage parents to take on their God given role as the primary educators for their children.  She accomplishes this by equipping families with the resources and skills necessary to strengthen family trust and confidence.   Monica’s belief is that It Takes a Family to raise strong children, build healthy communities, and form a great nation.


Heather’s own life was in jeopardy when her mother was instructed by her doctors and family to abort because her body couldn’t survive a pregnancy. God had “dibs” on Heather’s life and by His grace and against all odds her mother didnt go to that abortion appointment, and she chose life. In her late teens and early 20s Heather found herself going from relationship to relationship, bar to bar, and bed to bed to find love and comfort. She was married, divorced, and facing her own unplanned pregnancy by the time she was 23. Heather chose life for her child and is now blessed with a beautiful 18-year-old daughter. After two marriages ending in divorce and then a single Mom of a 1-year-old – and struggling with everything from an eating disorder to addiction….Heather made the choice to finally surrender all her Life to Jesus and from then on everything started to change. 


Heather served as the Director of Development for a local Pregnancy Resource center for five years and her passion for helping women and families grew. Her desire to promise to be there for them and then “prove it” became like a fire in her heart. It was then that the vision for Reliance Ministries (a 4-part holistic model to not just eliminate abortion, but eliminate the NEED for abortion) was born.


Heather communicates with  fire and passion. She speaks boldly and unashamedly about her past and about God’s mercy and grace that has brought her to where she is now, she also communicates a fierce PRO-LOVE message, encouraging people to love first above all else. “Truth and Grace” is her motto because we need to have both…in equal parts, to make a difference.


National Safe Haven Alliance Executive Director; Arizona Safe Baby Haven Foundation Director, R.N., B.S.N, Pediatric Emergency R.N.

As the Executive Director for the National Safe Haven Alliance, she leads an extraordinary team of leaders from across the country. She is also the Director for the Arizona Safe Baby Haven Foundation and oversees efforts in her home state. She is a wife, mother of 3 children, and grandmother. She has experienced the tragedy through the unnecessary death of a newborn firsthand, and this life-changing event propelled her motivation to save the lives of precious newborns and help parents in desperation.

Heather’s commitment to the Safe Baby Haven mission and to parents facing crisis pregnancy situations, raising awareness to provide an alternative to infant abandonment has led to many babies finding forever homes, and a safe place for a parent to find care and support in a heartbreaking and at times dangerous situation. She has shown love for her community, parents, and babies and is a gracious leader in the Safe Baby Haven realm. Her passion to provide safety and hope shines a light in a time of darkness, she has developed partnerships across the country to be the answer. Heather is also the administrator of a comprehensive training program for healthcare systems to provide best practice and subject matter expert direction in mother and infant safety and infant abandonment prevention. She is now a national speaker and a voice for the voiceless, changing the tide of fear by presenting the knowledge, answers, and resources to make an impact and give hope.


When Amanda’s daughter was taken from her arms at her local grocery store in a thwarted trafficking abduction, she came face-to-face, quite literally, with the reality of America’s child sex trade crisis. Yet, just a short time later, she nearly lost her three sons to other traumas. Uniquely qualified, Amanda penned her research and response to these unbelievable circumstances in her bestseller Unraveled: Mothering Fiercely in a World Full of Fears. Amanda is founder of Able Moms International, Vigilant Families online anti-trafficking training, and Legacy Academy – A University-Model® School. Before staying home to UM®️ teach her kiddos, Amanda’s professional career included awards and high heels as the top 1% of sales and development managers for an international industry leader. She also partners with the business CEO’s husband to consult with organizations that desire to prosper. Amanda’s family of seven, along with their German Shepherd, live in Texas.

Call us @ 833-477-6588
Ext 1 Donor Relations
Ext 2 Hurt After Abortion
Ext 4 ProLife Women’s Conference
Ext 5 Mama Scholar
Ext 6 Other Projects
LoveLine is a hotline for pregnant women, single moms, and families in complex situations who feel they have exhausted resources in their area.


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PO Box 104353 Jefferson City, MO 65110